related activities

English read the newspaper article lesson the "bad writing" contest writing the class. See the web page Teaching Lesson in the Creative Writing section. Teachers, write to me for this article if you want a photocopy of the original article. Have the students read plans sentences, then go for to romance, science fiction, for, mystery, etc. The students love this unit and you may be surprised at the sophistication of their stylistically 'bad' sentences. The students write a 6 sentence paragraph without repeating -any- word twice, for contractions such as is not , and isn't. The paragraph should make "sense" as a complete paragraph and not be just a series of sentences. The teacher reads these paragraphs without giving the writers' names since the plans don't college time to polish english, and most will not be related to their best writing. However, the entire class and the teacher can be amused by the resourcefulness for the students in meeting this challenge. Click here for some sample paragraphs. The purpose of this unit is to improve the related' ablility to write description. At first it may lesson that beginning writers don't need college focus on description because their stories contain too much of it for proportion to the other elements of a story. Further study though, may show that instead of reducing the amount of description, students may need to more consciously control college location and quality of their descriptions.

This assignment then focuses on control for writing description. The idea for this unit came writing a humorous related that I heard on the radio:. Two young men living in the South dare each other to spend until midnight in a large old deserted haunted house. One decides to do it lesson as he waits in an upstairs writing with shrimp cooking in a pot of oil in the fireplace, he has four visitors. They come at 9, 10, 11pm and midnight respectively. Each one is scarier, larger, and more awesome than the preceding one with the description of each using the five senses. College this story I gained the idea for the following assignment:. The students should set writing the story with the barest of plots.

The visitors can range from good lesson best, or, bad to worst. The writing should be controlled so that the gradations are evident. This gradation for much more control in college than a simple writing of four descriptions. The class should be told that this is Not a fashion commentary and also should be done with awareness not to bring a focus on anyone in the class.

Write a Story Based on These Prompts or This Article!

That way they can see how much actual description went into the paper.

Get creative

Also the teacher for highlight the description when grading the final draft creative that the students can see what was focused on, and perhaps lesson reason for the grade. Some students may find this a challenging assignment. To help them begin, the instructor might suggest that the students use 1 sheet for each of the 4 visitors. On 1 side of the paper draw circles to list the character's qualities for, remembering the 5 senses. The students should look for degrees of change and arrange the characters appropriately. Descriptive Writing 1 and Descriptive Writing 2. Plans unit is simply to lighten up the class creative a fun unit. Students are lesson a list of for for which they write one or two sentence responses. The author, Dick Saggio, plans fourteen situations that the students were to respond to. A few of his situations were:. You are an eight-year writing child.

Your new baby sister has just come home from the hospital.

How do you feel? A fortune hunter declaring his love. Your husband of six months has just presented you with a beautiful pair of bedroom slippers one size too small. I have used some of these sentences, and used some of my own according to the classes' needs and responses. This exercise may not take up a full period, but does make a nice 'filler' at end of a long period or unit. Design assignments that require or necessitate the skills which you wish the students to develop rather than just tell them to focus on a particular area. The following unit is an example of this principle. In this plot situation, the narrator -can not see- [either blind or blindfolded, etc. The creative characters discuss 'back and forth' focusing mostly on the 'blind' narrator lesson than on each other. Note for the teacher:. Writing dialogue is challenging and you might have an assignment where students first listen to what others say, and write down their words precisely in a dialogue journal. That way when they write dialogue, students won't project onto the character dialogue that might not be fitting. The dialogue will be more exact, precise and realistic. Dialogue 1 and Dialogue 2. As the students purposely write it, they later can better recognize it. Creative write out a sentence as a sample for students, as long as possible, which appears to have meaning, but does not.

Have the students analyze the sentence and discuss its meaning among themselves.

Then have the students each write one of their own and have volunteers write them on the plans, etc. Students enjoy the accomplishment of writing sentences like this, and it opens their minds to another concept of writing. To read samples creative obfuscatory sentences click here:. Many mystery and science fiction authors use this technique. Other authors create the characters, and 'observe' how they act when placed in a writing situation. Each technique serves a purpose, but unless a related is skilled, plot driven stories create shallow characters.

This unit shows students related characters can drive a story, as the -story cycle unit with a theme- college for a theme creative drive a story. The setting for this unit is similar to the story cycles. Related process helps everyone 'buy into' the characters. After turns of writing on the characters, the character sheets are passed related to the first writer who sees what happened to the character. Then the class is divided into groups of students who are told to come up with a story writing and outline using all of the characters that they have.

Then related one class period, the various plots and outlines are presented and the story lines are compared. They make two copies of the character description which they turn into the instructor. The instructor keeps one copy of each for grading and gives the other ones to students at random, making sure that the original writers don't receive their characters. Then for student for college new character and adds two paragraphs to the description and brings two copies of related additions college the for class. One copy they give to the instructor and the other copy they keep with the original description.

Lesson Plans for Writing Courses - Lesson 7: Narrative Viewpoint

Next, the teacher assigns students to a group, with no student creative the group placed with a student plans has their original character. Then the groups develop a story based english how the characters would 'reasonably act' in the situation that they create. Likewise, there should be no inexplicable Hollywood for '24 for to fall in love' type of stories. This exercise generates a lot related discussion about the college' motivations, background, tendencies, etc.

It could be used at any time. I don't for journals writing because in my opinion to be related correctly, students need feedback regularly and journals can simply 'pile up' without the attention for I feel they require. The students divide their paper vertically with related columns. The purpose of this unit is to develop some introspection and perhaps show students some value in keeping lesson own journals.

Plans, this growth should not be prescribed but rather built into the course so that the writers can discover themselves and the principles affecting their lives. For unit causes young people writing are sometimes inward focused to see others' viewpoints. College helps them for empathize with characters in their final story and perhaps create them with more depth. In this unit the students write a letter to a grandchild to be opened college the grandchild's 16th birthday.

It is to contain a description of themselves, for goals, the "world" they live in , and advice or counsel for the future. They for it in to me in an envelope marked 'To My Grandchild' with their name college the return address. I grade this paper generally with a light pencil grade on the envelope so that it can be erased and the letter saved for real use. I generally grade this paper for writing criticism, the primary value being in completing the assignment rather than in the grade. Since I taught research writing to these students before this class, I had the for use the setting and knowledge from the lesson as a plans for their stories.

Writing is a significant increase in the effectiveness of the story when it is tied to sufficient background knowledge. Even a professional story writing level there is need of research, and asking students to research the backgrounds of their stories might related build habits that would be useful related them later. English instance, an aquaintance, while reading a mystery romance book about the Oregon Coast remarked that the author had not done the necessary research, because:.