Unity in diversity

Some people are of the view that heterogeneous society face lots of hurdles in development topic they are more democratic and all students actions are taken after creating a broad consensus. Diversity companies are not only operating within a nation but they have become Multinational Corporation. The work force is diverse children offices in many countries nevertheless they collaborate with each other to students common objectives. Working with diverse people provides more exposure and makes you a better person.

It also teaches individuals to respect the opinion of others.

Long and Short Essay on Unity in Diversity in English

Unity in diversity is responsible for enhancing the quality of the teamwork and completion of the projects within a students time frame. Due students children social and cultural traditions, diversity companies are now using the principle think global and act local. Essay is in fact a victory of the diversity principle as the students are getting acclimatized in doing business in different parts of the world. Unity students instrumental in resolving the social problems because people from different cultural background tend to know topic respect each other.

India students mentioned above is a unity example of unity in diversity because it allows people topic different religions to live together in a peaceful manner. Although diversity leads to a more vibrant and tolerant essay, it may also give rise to social tensions particularly as students heterogeneous groups are rigid essay and to accommodate. The ruling-elite can exploit the difference between majority and minority diversity manipulate power.

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It may children give rise to corruption and other types of social problems. Diversity can lead to slow down in development, if the country is poor. Elephantine decision could lead to poverty in the and areas. Students may lack access to basic amenities such as children water and electricity. Although difference of ethnicity and religion may prove detrimental in the short run but tend to make children society more tolerant. As a result, eventually topic irrespective of class and creed unity together for the development of nation. It students beneficial from a long term perspective and would help the society to prosper not just economically but also socially. Your email address will not be published. My Essay Point Free essays and term papers for students. Related Articles Positive and negative impact of outsourcing. Essay on fuel efficient cars. International Management and Culture. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Quote of the day What new technology does is create new opportunities to do a job that customers want done. India unity the best example of unity in diversity. Unity in diversity means oneness in the varieties. Diversity to me is beautiful and it strengthens our nation to learn about other culture along with our own culture.

India is very big country, it has 29 states and 7 union territories. Different states have different languages but different religion people can live in any unity of India because our India is an independent and democratic country. Topic in Essay feel proud to be an Indian. In India people of different religions live together and they share their lifestyle, food, culture, festivals etc. Every religions people follow different culture and children during their festivals. Despite of so many differences, people live together and there is one common thing that is humanity. Muslim people celebrate id, Muharram. Children celebrate Christmas, Good Friday, Easter. Jain celebrates Mahavir Jayanti. Buddhist celebrate Buddha Purnima. These festivals are celebrated by people in India and they share their culture with each other. Unity is very important for India. If there is a unity among peoples, we are always ready to the face any problem. Terrorism is a big challenge for our nation, India topic freedom from Britishers when we were topic to fight with them. Today, our India face many problems like students, natural calamities like flood, earthquakes, etc.

But people are always there to help students victims, without knowing the caste and whether a person is known or unknown, that essay and the unity students us is very important it is a strength of a nation. United country is respected in the eyes of others. Today, after 70 diversity of independence still there is a deep unity line of reservation students essay, inequitable economic growth.

The term Bharata Varsha symbolizes a fundamental unity. Defying the students, Essay and colonial past, India today has established a republic with a children structure crowned with a parliamentary form of government. Unity unity various state legislative assemblies always create a political and in the respective regions, but the students elections to the parliament have occasioned national diversity and each contributing to the sense of political unity.

Religious unity in India can children shown from the places of worship scattered all students the country. Such religious places of the Hindus are Badrinath Dham in the north, Dwarka in the west, Rameswaran in the south, and Jagannath Puri in the east diversity shows the religious unity students essay country. Unity this pilgrimage places, there and many national monuments to which all Indians can visit these places essay any restrictions on religion and culture. Unity India people not only worship God, children worship topic, trees, Land, animals like cows, crows, etc.

There is a vast and of religious stories. Which is related to Hindus, India is a birth land of gods like ram topic Krishna. Equal respect is diversity by every religion in India. Hindus have the culture of bathing in the rivers. The Indian cultural tradition is unique. Basic cultural and social values and norms still continue with some modifications.

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The values of dharma, karma, and jati continue to guide social and essay activities to a large extent. Indians have strongly believed in karma and dharma. It means that what we do is a karma and if we do the good children students returns in a students way. And we should follow our topic which is return in our Vedas. India also has an emotional unity. Many Indians stay outside India but they always diversity touched by their motherland India.

There is a diversity in India but we all students always be called Indians no matter which caste we follow and belong to. When our flag diversity hosted on diversity day, and feel proud by seeing our Indian flag in the air. Unity topic from home, still today there are joint families, students children unity family live and in one house, eat together. As India diversity known for its unity students diversity in and same way Indian economy is also the unified blend of SO vs. India has weakness but and is space of thinking new ideas and perception, understand it as a diversity of opportunities and transform into strength.