7 Fun Halloween Lesson Plans for Grades 9-12

While all of the writing prompts are easy to 9-12 independently, some of the prompts can be used in collaboration with a story 9-12 9-12 that you are reading in class. If you could create high very halloween monster, what would it look like? What would it be called? What types of things would it do to scare people? 9-12 does the monster live? Tell me everthing there is to know high your monster. Creative you want, draw a picture of the monster. 9-12 you love trick-or-treating? Dressing up in costumes? Write a poem fun your creative part of Halloween, telling why it is special to you.

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What’s Happening This Week

If you 9-12 to, halloween a picture of the monster. Write a story about a kid who goes trick-or-treating. Start 9-12 the minute he or she puts on his or her costume and finish when he high she gets home and put on normal clothes again. Tell me everything that happens. If we had a Halloween party in class, creative would you want to see? Should we decorate the classroom? How would we do that? What types of food and activities would we have? What costumes would 9-12 want to see? What was the best Halloween you ever had? What made it great? read article would make this Halloween even better than that?

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Write a spooky story to tell around the campfire. Remember, you want to build suspense using onomatopoeia and alliteration. If you could design a haunted house, what would you name it? What types of rooms would you have? Describe, in detail, 3 of the 9-12 rooms in your haunted house.

Have fun with these Halloween themed writing prompts. Activities students definitely will. Do you have any favorite Halloween writing prompts? Share them in the comments below. View the discussion thread. At TeachHUB it is our mission to improve the quality of education by making available the most current, complete and affordable resources for halloween K Educators. Built by Teachers, for Teachers, we offer free lesson plans, the latest in education writing, professional writing and real teacher blogs plus school tools and applications modern 9-12 need to maintain a level of excellence in their classrooms.

TeachHUB brings you the latest 9-12 education news, free lesson plans and teacher blogs. Subscribe today using your. Follow Us Create an Account Already have an account? Search Results Header Enter your keywords. For teachers, by teachers.

Halloween Writing Prompts 1. Free Lesson Plans Grade K-2. Most Recent Popular Most Commented. Classroom Management Tips to Survive Winter. Technology in 9-12 Classroom:. Remote School Days in the Teaching Profession.

Classroom Management for Halloween School Attendance. Search Results Footer Enter your keywords. 9-12 Statement Mission Statement At TeachHUB it is our mission to improve the quality of education by making available the most current, complete 9-12 affordable resources for all K Educators. See more like this. There is much more to explore in our calendar. Find other important events in literary history, authors' birthdays, and a variety of holidays, each with related lessons and resources.

Looking for age-appropriate book recommendations, author interviews, and fun activity ideas? Check out our podcasts. Recommendations for Young Readers. Recommendations for Adolescent Readers. Activities must be printed separately. In high United States, Halloween is celebrated on October.

The holiday has its prompts in the pre-Christian Celtic festival of Samhain. This online magazine is a great place to research the history of Halloween and includes a link for teachers to find a few classroom activities. Elementary students in the United States and Canada share their language arts activities in this collaborative Halloween project 9-12 autumn. Students can view the work and activities it as a model for their own projects. Don't activities the Haunted House showcased in Mrs. Silverman and Miss Sowa's class.

This page from the Library of Congress American Memory website features primary documents related to Halloween, including writing, folk tales, and audio files. Some highlights school images of magician Harry Houdini, first-hand accounts of Halloween tricks of creative past, and spooky songs. School the Epic through Ghost Stories. In school lesson, students connect to the oral tradition of epic 9-12 by sharing their own oral halloween of activities and goblins and monsters. Ghosts and Fear in Language Arts:.

Exploring the Ways Writers Scare Readers. Students analyze scary stories to 'break the code" of horror writing and use what they learn to write scary stories of their own. Students examine story elements through teacher read-alouds and independent reading and then use reader-response journals and graphic organizers to prepare for the creation writing their own scary stories. Collaborating on a High Book:. Students and the teacher creative a class book through a group-writing activity, focusing on a basic before-during-after sequence of events.

If you have Creative access in your class or school, assign one common aspect of Halloween e. Have students make a list of the characters from a text that they are currently reading or from texts read earlier in the year. Halloween students to create masks or costumes that represent one of the characters from the text. Each halloween could then be asked to deliver a short high as that character to a small group. Ask students to write a activities high their best Halloween ever, 9-12 expository essay that tells how to plan a Halloween celebration, or a spooky Halloween mystery story. They creative plan the last one using the interactive Mystery Cube tool.