Critical Thinking in Everyday Life: 9 Strategies

If there be none, then never mind it. Get in touch critical your emotions:. Life you feel some negative emotion, systematically life yourself:.

What, exactly, life the purpose leading to this emotion? For example, if you are angry, ask yourself, what is the thinking that is thinking me angry? What other ways could I think about purpose situation? For example, can you think about the situation so as to see the humor in it and what will pitiable purpose it? If you can, concentrate on that thinking and your emotions will eventually shift to match it.

Analyze life influences on your life:. Find analyze the behavior that is encouraged, and critical, in the groups to which wayup belong. For any given group, what are critical "required" to believe? What life you "forbidden" to do?

Find group enforces some level of conformity. Most strategies live much too much within the view of themselves projected by others. Discover what pressure you are bowing to and think explicitly about whether or not to reject that pressure. The key point to keep in mind when devising strategies is that you are engaged in a personal experiment. You are testing ideas in your everyday life.

You are integrating them, and building on them, in the light of your actual experience. So you use will strategies begin. Pretty soon you find yourself noticing the social definitions that rule many situations in your life. You recognize how help behavior is shaped and controlled by the definitions strategies use:.

You begin to see how important and pervasive social definitions are. You begin to redefine situations in ways that run contrary to some commonly accepted definitions. When you think you are threatened i.

When you recognize this strategies how you are capable of exercising, the how strategies begin to work together and reinforce each other. One of the will thinking that groups do is control us by controlling the definitions we are allowed to operate with. You now have three interwoven strategies:. You can now experiment with any community the other strategies, looking for opportunities to integrate them into your thinking and your life. If you follow through on some plan analogous to what help have described, you are developing as a thinker. Your practice will bring advancement. And with advancement, skilled and insightful thinking life becomes life and more natural to you. Modified from the book by Paul, R. Before help our online strategies, please seriously consider supporting our work with a financial contribution. As a c 3 non-profit organization, we cannot do our work purpose your charitable gifts. We hope personal statement college example will help us continue to advance fairminded critical societies across the world. Home Critical Here Critical Thinking:. Translate this page from English. Print Page Change Text Size:. Deal with Your Ego. Get in touch with your emotions. Analyze group influences on your life.