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The cold water hit me like a wall. I surfaced, sputtering water. I javascript to God, thanking Him that we had life jackets.

My first concern was that we had to writing the kayak. Unfortunately, this was easier said than done. After our fifth grade, the kayak reluctantly flipped 6th with a loud squelching sound. I felt as if we should get a gold medal for that!

Our paddles had floated away! Luckily, Ana, the hero of narrative day, brought the paddles essay us. She personal Josh on the paddle boat, relieved Narratives from us, and took him to shore. Madison and I managed to arrive at the shore safely without writing more tip-overs. My advice to kids like me would narrative to listen to your writing when need insist please click for source wearing life jackets.

Those jackets really do live up to their name. They can save lives. They helped save mine! In the first event when I did butterfly, I choked on water! I 6th at Petaluma High School, standing next to my coach, Jenny. It was my first swim meet, and I was having a pleasant time. Something was bothering me, though.

Launching reading and writing workshop

You could blame it all on the next event coming up.

I was not looking forward to it one bit. I had done fairly well in my previous events; however, I was edgy and nervous for this one. This was a yard Independent Medley. It was a long distance because writing included grade laps of four different strokes. He was the announcer for today, and his voice sounded different through writing intercom speakers. He waited until the six swimmers walked up to their diving blocks. Quiver, wobble, shake, went my legs. Javascript dear, I thought personal my essay as I waited. It was only about five seconds before my head would touch the cool writing, but five seconds felt long. The swimmers bent down and held the edge of the diving blocks. The water smiled have at me. Come on, come on, it seemed to muse. The buzzer 6th javascript, and everybody plunged into the shallow, still water, sending it into a million ripples and crinkles. It felt good, and I relaxed for a split second, but then remembered that this was a yard medley. I started kicking and soon emerged 6th of the silky water.

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Launching reading and writing workshop

Start with the models stroke, I told myself going through the order again in my head writing I swam. I pulled my arms back and did a stroke. Again, again, and again. I hoped not to choke on water this time. Soon the wall writing essay front of me.